Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Let's pretend spend Chad Clifton's money, shall we?

Chad Clifton is locked in with the Green Bay Packers for a couple more years.

Chad Clifton
In March 2010, Chad Clifton signed on the dotted line with a new Green Bay Packers contract. The basics are these:

- 3 years (that will take us to March 2013)
- #20 million dollars
- $7.5 million guaranteed

Chad Clifton has stated repeatedly that he intends to serve out all three years of the contract, which means he'll be in his upper-30s when the thing (the contract...not the player!) expires.

Seeing those million dollar figures makes me wonder what I would do if I had that kind of cash to spend. Can you imagine how cool that would be????

Money"I wanna be a millionaire! So frickin' bad."

Here's my list of how I would spend his cash.

* Pay off my mortgage!
* Go on a vacation to New York City. I've always wanted to go there.
* Put in a lot to retirement. I'm conservative with funds. Give me a break!
* Share with my family.
* Buy season tickets to the Green Bay Packers in the best seats possible.

What would you do with Chad Clifton's money?

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