Jumat, 12 November 2010

What Donald Driver is reading

Listen up, bibliophiles. If you are looking for a new book to put on your winter reading lists, Donald Driver has some advice: read Sun Up.

Now, if you're like me, you immediately scoped out amazon.com for this alluring text. If Donald Driver is reading it, I must, too!

However, I hit a roadblock. Which Sun Up is the text to which the Donald refers?

Is it Sun Up by Elizabeth Cooper? This is a children's book about, apparently, a picnic between an assortment of animals.

Sun upCould this really be Donald Driver's pick?

Is it Sun Up by Alvin Tresselt and Henri Sorenson?

Sun upThis is a children's book about a day at a farm. Joy.

Or maybe it's Sun Up: Tales of the Cow Camps by Will James.

Sun upYet another children's book!

Donald Driver does enjoy juvenile fiction, so it wouldn't surprise me to see that a children's book was his all time fav. But which one is it? WHICH ONE????

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