Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Josh Bell the chemist

Maybe you don't know much about Green Bay Packers' cornerback Josh Bell. You've come to the right place!

Josh BellJosh Bell was born on January 8, 1985 in Los Angeles and he attended high school in Dallas where he was on the track and football teams. After high school, Josh Bell enrolled at Baylor, redshirted his first season in 2004, and then started in 2005 as the number 3 cornerback. He worked his way up over the years and finished his career after competing in 45 career games.

It was here at Baylor than Josh Bell majored in chemistry--definitely my all-time worst subject in high school! Even mention the term and I remember the drudgery of memorizing formulas and the preiodic table of the elements. Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon...TORTURE!

Chemistry Bottles
But apparently chemistry agrees with Josh Bell quite well. He graduated in May 2009 as a chemistry major. If I had a chance to interview Mr. Bell, here are a few questions I might ask:

1. What is your favorite element and why?
2. If you could pick any career in the chemistry field, what would it be?
3. Do you think the the Semisonic song "Chemistry" has any hard science behind it?

What would you ask chemist Josh Bell if given the opportunity?

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