Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

Fun facts about Mason Crosby

Mason Crosby HeadshotFriday is finally here! Any intriguing weekend plans up your sleeve? I'm going to be out on the lake for a bonfire and some wake-boarding. Holla!

It leads me to wonder how our friends, the Green Bay Packers, might be spending their July weekends now that summer training camp is in full swing. I can imagine that my favorite Green Bay Packers kicker, Mason Crosby, probably has something relaxing in store, perhaps something from this swell list of his favorite past-times!

  • Could he be relaxing at home with his wife of two years, Emily? They married in June 2008 and spent their honeymoon in the Bahamas. Great destination!

  • Perhaps he's down in Texas throwing the pigskin around with his dad, Jim Crosby, a former runningback at Texas El-Paso.

  • Maybe, like me, he's on the lake. Mason Crosby loves the outdoors--camping, hiking, hunting, fishing. His claim to fame is spearfishing a 35 pound grouper!
Grouper FishDo people really eat these things?
  • Then again, Mason Crosby could be out on the links, playing yet another round of golf. He's a very talented golfer who devotes much of his free time to participating in charity golf events. Yet another testament to his athletic prowess!
So there you have it--a list of facts to give new dimension to your understanding of Mason Crosby. Enjoy your weekend!

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