Senin, 28 Juni 2010

Sam Shields is ready to rock you like a hurricane

The title for this post is courtesy of the 1984 smash hit by the hairband Scorpions.

Hurricane RecordWhat a bunch of studs, eh?

Yet this mind-blowing track is also directly connected to Green Bay Packers #37, a rockin' force in his own right. Though Sam Shields is new to all of us Green Bay Packers cheeseheads, he was a category four in his college days with the Miami Hurricanes. This dude clocked a 4.2 second 40 meter dash--the fastest of all the Hurricanes!

Sam Shields HeadshotI can feel the gusts from here. Board up the windows, mother!

We're lucky to have this force of nature on Lambeau Field this fall. He was drafted in 2010 and is slated to be a Green Bay Packers cornerback after playing as defensive back for the past four seasons in college ball.

Now, to end this post, I have one last Green Bay Packers treat for you up my sleeve.

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

Hurricane Sam Shields
You're welcome.

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