Senin, 09 November 2009

Johnny Jolly's Criminal Past

With a name like "Jolly", you'd think that this guy would be full of rainbows and sunshine. Alas, this is not the case. Instead, Johnny Jolly is one of the few Green Bay Packers with a rap sheet, though (fortunately) it isn't as long as his massive arms.

The incident occurred back in July 2008 down in Houston, Texas. Johnny Jolly was arrested for possession of 200 grams of codeine. If you're like me, you have no idea

a.) what codeine is

b.) what kind of punishment you get

I guess I live a sheltered life. All I need is a hunk of cheese, Green Bay Packers tickets, and a beer and I'm content. Living on the edge is what I do when I try to sneak down to other sections of Lambeau Field to get a closer look at my favorite Green Bay Packers players.

Anywho, my friend wikipedia hooked me up with all the stats about codeine. I guess it's used as an opiate for numbing severe pain, particularly in the back. But apparently codeine made Johnny too Jolly because he had so gosh darn much of it. And that leads to my answer for statement "B" above. Basically that much codeine gets you a second-degree felony. Not good. In fact, this made Johnny Jolly the first Green Bay Packers player in 21 years to be brought to trial for a felony. I knew our Green Bay Packers guys were decent.

Well, charges were dropped in 2008 but exactly a year later in July 2009, they came up again since new codeine testing policies have been created in the interm. I imagine his mug shot looked something like this:

Yeah, basically his game face on Lambeau Field.

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